May 24th Update:
In light of the recent updates to the Governor's Phase 2 plan, our elder team has prayerfully decided that we will remain online for our Sunday service for the time being.
At the heart of the Gospel, there has always been a call to sacrifice for the betterment of those around us. We will always try to embrace that call and keep it at the center of our decision making. Therefore, in a desire to love our neighbors well, contribute to the welfare of our community, and continue to be a Gospel light to those around us, we will continue to postpone our corporate gathering for now.
Jason and I are prayerfully planing a step by step reopening that keeps the welfare of our community in mind and honors our governing authorities.
We will continue to offer Wednesday night devotionals, from 8:30-9pm through The Sermon on the Mount. Dominic and I will be sharing some devotional thoughts with you during this time and we would love for you to join us.
I understand that this is frustrating and we are all eagerly longing to gather again soon. May we find encouragement through a sermon preached in 1918 by Francis Grimke. He was preaching this sermon in light of the Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918.
“There has been considerable grumbling, I know, on the part of some, particularly in regard to the closing of churches. It seems to me, however, in a matter like this it is always wise to submit to such restrictions for the time being. If, as a matter of fact, it was dangerous to meet in the theaters and in the schools, it certainly was no less dangerous to meet in churches. The fact that the churches were places of religious gathering, and the others not, would not affect in the least the health question involved. If avoiding crowds lessens the danger of being infected, it was wise to take the precaution and not needlessly run in danger, and expect God to protect us. And so, anxious as I have been to resume work, I have waited patiently until the order was lifted. I started to worry at first, as it seemed to upset all of our plans for the fall work; but I soon recovered my composure. I said to myself, Why worry? God knows what He is doing. His work is not going to suffer. It will rather be a help to it in the end. Out of it, I believe, great good is coming. All the churches, as well as the community at large, are going to be the stronger and better for this season of distress through which we have been passing.”